PLEASE CHECK THE COURSE SCHEDULE TO ENSURE YOU ARE SIGNING UP BEFORE THE POSTED ENROLLMENT DEADLINE DATE IN ORDER TO RECEIVE CLASS MATERIALS PRIOR TO CLASS. INDIVIDUALS SIGNING UP PAST THE DEADLINE DATE WILL BE MOVED INTO THE NEXT PUBLISHED CLASS.PSI-PCI Online Visual Cylinder Inspector Certification CoursePlease specify what online class date you want to attend durring Checkout.VCI - Visual Cylinder Inspection® Course - This is the core certification course provided by PSI-PCI and in it we teach the regulations and fundamentals of conducting visual inspections of solid wall and composite SCUBA and SCBA cylinders. The full day course is suited for those new to visual inspection as well as those who have been inspecting without formal training through its wide range of inspection subjects including damage limits, neck cracking, and laws affecting inspectors. Additionally, this course meets the OSHA and DOT requirements for employee HAZMAT training and attendants completing the course are qualified to conduct HAZMAT training for cylinder handlers. It is the only training formally endorsed, referred to and utilized by the cylinder manufacturers; and recognized by USDOT, Compressed Gas Association, NFPA and others. It continues to be the most up to date training available today on this subject. The course is open to anyone 16 years or older and no previous cylinder inspection experience is required. Participants receive certificate as Visual Cylinder Inspectors upon course completion valid for 3 years.What class date do you want to attend?
PSI-PCI Online Visual Cylinder Inspector Certification Class